Action points are a special rule from the d20 SRD that allows a character to accumulate points that they can use to modify rolls or to activate special abilities. While I will not be using action points as a standard part of the game, I will be using them as a method of rewarding players, rather than bonus XP or somesuch.
As I am deviating from their standard implementation, I decided to also deviate from their standard uses. Action points can be used to do any of the following:
Modify any roll for anything by 1d6. This stacks, but is not considered a natural roll. In odd cases this is subject to GM approval.
Save yourself from dying. Activating an action point when your hit points are reduced to more than negative your Consistution will leave you at negative your Con and stable.
Reroll a save. This must be done before the success or failure of the save is revealed.
As action points are player rewards, they carry over from one character to the next, so should your character die or should you otherwise switch, your action points go with you.